Monday, August 27, 2012

It's over...

It's finally over. And not in a good way.

Recently, I have been reading a book called "Love Does" by Bob Goff.

It is one of the most amazing books I have read- which sounds completely cliche, but is totally true. It is one of those books which I have read slowly, on purpose as to experience it as long as possible, and one that I plan on reading...more in depth...very soon in the future.

Bob has taken me on an adventure full of laughter and tears. He has somehow managed to make me feel completely insignificant, but uncontrollably empowered at the same time.

If you have not heard of the book, here is a brief excerpt. I love how he illustrates whimsy throughout the book.

    "Living a life fully engaged and full of whimsy and the kind of things that love does is something most people plan to do, but along the way they just kind of forget. Their dreams become one of those “we’ll go there next time” deferrals. The sad thing is, for many there is no “next time” because passing on the chance to cross over is an overall attitude toward life rather than a single decision. They need a change of attitude, not more opportunities."

I highly recommend this read. And then, I invite you to share your thoughts here.

Rise Up!

So, if you didn't know, Georgia is pretty proud of their football team, the Atlanta Falcons.

And- until recently- I hated football. Really. Quite detested it actually. I always trembled when football season came around, and longed for the day when it was over again.

BUT, that was when we simply watched the game on TV. Who does that?! How can you honestly enjoy the game- and not the food- when you are not there live?

That is how I got into the game- something I thought was once impossible. My dad had a friend who got him free tickets, even though he had to be stuck at church, and my mom, brother, and I went instead.

See how happy and excited I looked? Granted, I probably could've chosen a better picture, but I liked our faces. (Oh, and that's my brother by the way!)

Even though this was a preseason game, it was still pretty thrilling and makes me eager to get into the games this season! So, what do Falcons do? We RISE UP!

**Also, I know this is late, as it's the preseason Cincinnati game, but I'm catching up on what I've missed. It's been a bit busy here lately, so give me a break :) **

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How Soon "Not Now" Becomes "Never"...


  1. The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
  2. The general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
Synonyms:motive - incentive - stimulus - impulse

Otherwise known as, something that I lack. I don't necessarily lack the beginning motivation, as I am the kind of person who needs to do something as soon as I have the idea. No matter where or when, and no matter the obstacle, I usually jump right on it.

Rather I lack the continuing motivation. After awhile, something that I had such a strong desire for morphs into something that becomes more of a routine than a luxury.

That. Stops. Now.

I am determined to schedule myself accordingly. To put what's most important to me on paper - to hold myself accountable. This way, I will have no excuses.

This includes my blogging. Every day, the views on my page consistently increase, while the amount of writing performed stays the same as it did before. But now, because it is out there for all of you to see, that will change.

So expect to see more posts on, honestly, anything I feel like writing about:
     - The new painting I will be creating
     - Recipes I may feel like trying (or learning)
     - Photos that I will get in the habit of taking
     - Outfits that I feel adorable in
     - Life posts that may strike upon me as important at any moment

So, be on the lookout. Who knows where this will go!