Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Every Individual Makes a Difference

Though these words have been spoken by many people, one of the greatest is Jane Goodall.

For those of you who do not know who this extraordinary woman is, you may have heard about her experiences. Jane had once left her comfortable life in Europe, to live among the wild chimpanzees with nothing but a pair of binoculars and a notebook. Today, she still works to protect endangered species, including chimpanzees, and still ceases to amaze me.

But I am not writing this post to inform you all about the wonders of Jane Goodall, rather I am writing to inform you (or brag) that the Jane Goodall is coming to speak at Georgia State this year!

Just a matter of minutes ago, I found this out, while in my speech class, and I dropped everything. No more notes. No more listening. Just researching everything I could to find out more.

I cannot tell you how excited I am about this. So much so, that I will probably skip a class or two to see her, and if you know me I don't do that out of fear that I'll miss something super important. But it's Jane Goodall. Really, how many chances will I have for this.

Alright. I think I'm done rubbing my excitement in your face...for now, and really most of you probably don't care. But please, go research her. She is an amazing woman.

1 comment:

  1. Love Jane! She is truly an inspiration and more people need to learn about her work and life.
